Here it is: December 31st and I am doing the same thing thousands upon thousands of other people are doing right now...
No, I'm not freezing my $%^@ off in Times Square, I'm writing a list of resolutions for the coming year. Not just any list of resolutions, mind you. I am an all-or-nothing person and my lists match this personality trait, for better or worse. My resolutions are multi-faceted, covering all aspects of being: mental, physical, emotional, house* as well as the general category of "other." Most of my resolutions are pretty standard (get back in touch with a friend, book a dermatology appointment, lose 10 lbs) but some are purely creative, spur of the moment inspirations. For instance, in July, under the "mental" category, I wrote "paint something outside." Why? Because I believe painting can be therapeutic. It shouldn't stop me that nobody on earth will recognize the painting I do of the glorious view out our front window (and that includes my family that looks at it everyday). Among my other planned feats for the year: Find a one day workshop that interests me, complete a crossword book, write a note to 10 people for whom I'm grateful, journal more, etc, etc.
There's a reason so many people pick January 1st to make positive changes/steps in their lives, it's the proverbial "clean slate" date. It's fresh; out with the old, in with the new. So, I will join in and see how I fare with my goals.
By blogging my progress, I will be killing two resolutions with one stone. (Yes, February's goal is to blog regularly.) So, here I go. I'm off to a good start. Now, I better go finish that leftover Egg Nog before the year starts...
*Doesn't everybody include "house" as a resolution category?No? Hmmm...they can come help me with mine, then.